MBVision operates in research and design fields through new technologies, to create excellent products and services, thanks to the integration of knowledge and style, thanks to a competitive workteam specialized in many sectors of design (product, multimedia and communication), and a great network. Focused on a continuous learning and a strong relationship with universities and research centres, to always be constantly updated to the last trends of technology and style, for companies and research/founded projects. At the helm of MBVision sits Max Pinucci, a highly experienced designer and lecturer. Founder and co-founder of concept companies such as OceanSky Cruises (with Carl-Oscar Lawaczeck, Stockholm), Hun in the Sun, Animation Lights Project or The Brain Farm (with Paolo Roasenda, Pontedera-Milan), he has been working as consultant and partner of international companies on innovative projects, both in product and communication.

Strategical partnership

Our international network, built in 30 years of activity, includes professionals, public and private companies, universities: our true value

Working methodology

Operating in the state of the art of the design means aspiring to innovation. New materials, technologies, visions, connecting up business and academy

Strive for  innovation

Operating in the state of the art of the design means aspiring to innovation. New materials, technologies, visions, connecting up business and academy

Design & Research

From ergonomics to styling, from smart solutions to components, we care about details the same way we care about the overall appearance

Human Machine Interface

Instruments, controls and innovative interface design for aviation and transportation. UX and unconventional interaction

Communication Design

From Corporate Image to multimedia and product presentation: everything that is needed for communication and marketing

Aircraft Design

Interiors, ergonomics and innovative solutions through style, materials, forms and details: from the concept to the prototyping. Since 2001

Exhibit Design

New approaches to fruition and contents through technology: multimedia, light design, digital ambients for small or international exhibitions

Funded projects

For the past 20 years, MBVision has been a partner and subcontractor in regional, national and European projects in the fields of technology and cultural heritage

Core Team

Max Pinucci and MBVision have been operating in the design field for over 30 years, working in a sector that grows at a fast pace, in which is essential to master languages, technologies, relationship and project. It is required a constant training in order to reach a state of osmosis between field experience and academic preparation.  

The MBVision team has always seen young talents, graduates from various operational design fields, collaborating with professionals and experts in a continuous exchange of visions and knowledge. Members of the team include Max Pinucci (CEO), Elena Degl’Innocenti, Marco Ferracci, Emmanuele Campinotti and Sandy Miranceli.


Max Pinucci

C.E.O, Creative Director

Massimiliano “Max” Pinucci is a designer and an entrepreneur in the fields of design and aviation. He is CEO of MBVision, co-founder of OceanSky Cruises and of the CMOB, Center for Future Mobility. With over 25 years of experience in aviation, he has collaborated with international companies on innovative aircraft, seaplane and airship designs that reflect his commitment to pushing the aviation industry into a new standards and a sustainable future. But also emphasise the role of human centred design and quality, functionality and beauty as the ultimate goal of every project, whether interior, exterior, HMI, communication or marketing. Max is also an expert in aviation history and his expertise transfers to teaching industrial design in Florence. Additionally, he has authored books on aviation, which have been distributed globally. His diverse experience includes not only design and entrepreneurship, but also an active networking role in the aviation industry. He lives in the Tuscan countryside of Italy.


Elena Degl’Innocenti

Art Director, Client Advisor

Coming from 10 years working side by side with head of design in MBVision, Elena took part of the development of the most interesting European aircraft companies, with a primary focus on aviation aesthetics and a strong presence in multimedia. She bring a peculiar blend of design expertise, going side by side with our technical department, combining form and function in aircraft interiors. Simultaneously, the focus of human centred design spread across other sectors, developing captivating visual experiences across multimedia projects, enhancing both aviation and multimedia ventures.

Marco Ferracci

Project Manager, Senior Designer

Designer, graduated from the industrial design course at UNIFI, with a thesis on sustainability in the field of energy saving/recovery. After graduating in product design from ISIA Florence, he worked with MBVision on projects ranging from product design (ultralight aircraft interiors, utility objects, IoT) to multimedia (video mapping, video editing) and interface design (avionics instrumentation, cockpit design).

Emmanuele Campinotti

Transportation Designer, R&D

Transportation Designer with a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Design (IUAV, Venice) and a Master in Transportation Design (PoliMI, Milan) with a specific focus on innovation in mobility. Passionate about sustainable transportation and new technologies, Emmanuele is seeking for new challenging field of expression.

Sandy Miranceli

Product Designer, R&D

Designer graduated from ISIA Design University in Florence, in the product and communication design faculty, with a thesis on a three-wheeled means of transport for urban mobility. After an internship and a one-and-a-half year period of collaboration, working on projects on the development of airship and aircraft interiors and for graphic and communication projects, she was integrated into MBVision’s Design Core Team in the role of Product Designer and coordinator of research and development mainly in the aeronautical sector.

Over time, MBVision has hosted over a hundred interns from prestigious design schools or from targeted professional training courses in product design and communication, cultural heritage, marketing, web. Some of them have stayed with the company or have become part of the Extended Team. In 2021 we hosted, for example, Lorenzo Ninci (programmer and game designer), Manuela Coticone (marketing and project management), Sandy Mirancieli, Ilaria Torcolacci, Matilde Arrighini (product and communication design, ISIA Firenze), young talents who brought contributions and energy to the Core Team, receiving in exchange the experience of direct contact with production and customers.

MBVision External Extended Team

Availing itself of the collaboration of consultants and colleagues, whose complementary skills cover all fields of creativity applied to communication, design, training and marketing, MBVision has created a true extended team: The M.E.E.T. A great resource that is involved according to the projects and skills required; made up of individual personalities but also of working groups formed in specific sectors. A network of contacts, people and specific skills developed over the years is an integral part of MBVision and its way of working.


Press Release

Articles and sites where news about MBVision appears


Via Boccioni, 1 56037 Peccioli (PI) Tuscany, Italy

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